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ABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal Cycler

簡要描述:ABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal CyclerThe Applied Biosystems® Veriti® 60-Well Thermal Cycler (for 0.5 mL tubes) delivers the proven reliability of Applied Biosystems® instruments with the 0.5 mL format yo

  • 產品型號:Veriti
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2018-01-03
  • 訪  問  量:1241


ABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal Cycler



ABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal Cycler



Block Format:Non-Interchangeable
Capacity:1 x 60-well x 0.5 ml tubes
Comments:Easy-to-handle reaction tubes for large volume reactions
Dimensions:Height: 24.5cm (9.6 in.), Width: 23.7 cm (9.3 in.), Depth: 48.5 cm (19.1 in.)
Display Interface:6.5 in. VGA 32k color with touch screen
For Use With (Equipment):Veriti® Thermal Cycler
Format:0.5 ml tubes
High Throughput Compatibility:Not High Throughput-Compatible (Manual)
Instrument Memory:USB and On-board
Peak Block Ramp Rate:3.3°C⁄sec
Product Line:Veriti™
Product Size:1 instrument
Program Features:Auto re-start (after power outages), Program overwrite protection
Reaction Speed:Standard
Reaction Volume Range:25-100 µl
Sample Ramp Rate:± 2.7°C⁄sec
Shipping Condition:Room Temperature
Temperature Accuracy:±0.25°C (35°C to 99.9°C)
Temperature Range (Metric):4.0-99.9 °C
Temperature Uniformity:<0.5 °C (20 sec after reaching 95 °C)
Tm Calculator:Menu driven through touch screen
Weight:11.4 kg (25 lb)


The Applied Biosystems® Veriti® 60-Well Thermal Cycler (for 0.5 mL tubes) delivers the proven reliability of Applied Biosystems® instruments with the 0.5 mL format you need to accommodate larger reaction volumes.

Key Features of this Veriti® 60-Well Thermal Cycler:

• Convenient color touch screen interface speeds setup time and use
• Transfer protocols, back up protocols and system configurations with a USB port
• Network up to 12 instruments using standard Ethernet cables and a router (not provided)
• From a single, networked Veriti® instrument, start a run on up to 12 Veriti® systems
• Conveniently place instruments side-by-side due to front to back venting feature
• Optional VeritiLink™ Remote Management Software provides you with peace of mind, allowing you to remoy manage more than 50 cyclers from your PC or internet-compatible phone

Click here to Request a Demo

Extended Warranty Packages
Protect your instrument and your investment with Veriti Thermal Cycler Extended Warranty Packages and save up to 25% off the individual instrument and extended warranty list prices. Learn more >

Large volume runs
The Veriti® 60-Well Thermal Cycler can perform high volume runs with its 0.5 ml block. Use this instrument for all of your large volume applications, and then set the block to incubate when the run is done. The 60-well isothermal block will maintain a set temperature, and you can retrieve your tubes at your convenience.

Control at your fingertips
The powerful, yet simple to operate user interface on the Veriti® system is driven by the 6.5 inch (16.51 cm) VGA color touch screen. The large screen allows for easy viewing of your temperature profiles. Additionally, the large navigation buttons put programming of the Veriti® Thermal Cycler at your finger tips. Setup and navigation of the Veriti® Thermal Cycler does not require the use of a stylus or mouse.

Fast setup, fast results
The Veriti® system has two different options for method navigation. For quick setup, you may select one of the pre-programmed methods to run. If you prefer to program your own methods, simply touch the step you would like to setup and then use the keypad to enter thermal cycling steps. After completing a setup, you have the choice of saving the method to the instrument or to a USB memory stick.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


ABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal Cycler




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Thermofisher旗下Gibco培養系列、ABI細胞計數儀及PCR儀、Invitrogen分子生物學試劑及Qubit3.0AmbionRNA相關試劑、Molecular probes試劑、Pierce蛋白相關試劑盒、Nanodrop One/OneCParafilm封口膜;Viskase透析袋;Sigma-Aldrich試劑;AccuStandard 標準品;Millipore抗體;Glen Research 核酸合成試劑;Bio-Rad電泳儀及PCR儀;NanocsPEG聚合物;  Chromotek羊駝抗體;   Polysciences轉染試劑;  Echelon-inc 脂類研究試劑盒;   R&D Systems抗體及Elisa試劑盒; Jackson二抗及封閉血清; Biotium 熒光染料;NEB內切酶及NGS相關產品;  Athens Research & Technology人類蛋白及抗血清;  Illumina二代測試試劑盒; Tocris 小分子試劑; TwistDx恒溫擴增試劑盒(RPA); Enzymatics二代測序酶;Novus抗體及Elisa試劑盒;AG scientific潮霉素BG-418Plantmedia植物培養系列及抗體;Agilent 2100生物分析儀;Biolog耗材;BiomatikElisa試劑盒;Covaris基因打斷儀;CST抗體;DharmaconsiRNA產品。


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