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B-27 SUPPLEMENT Invitrogen現貨

簡要描述:B-27 SUPPLEMENT Invitrogen現貨
LightShift 化學發光EMSA試劑盒
SuperSignal West Pico化學發光底物
A variation of the most cited neuronal cell culture supplement, B-27 Supplement Minus Vitamin

  • 產品型號:12587010
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2018-02-09
  • 訪  問  量:1195

B-27 SUPPLEMENT  Invitrogen現貨

  / 4000-520-616/

B-27 SUPPLEMENT  Invitrogen現貨


B-27 SUPPLEMENT  Invitrogen現貨



LightShift 化學發光EMSA試劑盒
SuperSignal West Pico化學發光底物
A variation of the most cited neuronal cell culture supplement, B-27 Supplement Minus Vitamin A is a customized version of the original B-27 Supplement without vitamin A (retinyl acetate). B-27 Supplement Minus Vitamin A is a serum-free supplement ideal for the c*tion of neural progenitor and stem cells, either as neurospheres in suspension or in adherent monolayer culture, without inducing differentiation. B-27 Supplement Minus Vitamin A is provided as a 50X liquid and is intended for use with Neurobasal Medium or Neurobasal-A Medium for neuronal cell culture without the need for an astrocyte feeder layer.

B-27 Supplement is suitable for use in most neuronal cell applications. For other applications, we provide alternative formulations of B-27 Supplement and Neurobasal media.

For established protocols using B-27 Supplement, access our Gibco Neurobiology Protocol Handbook.

View publications using Gibco neurobiology products at our Gibco CellCite.




B-27 SUPPLEMENT  Invitrogen現貨

B-27 SUPPLEMENT  Invitrogen現貨


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