
  • 2720ThermoFisher/4359659/ABI PCR基因擴增儀
    2720ThermoFisher/4359659/ABI PCR基因擴增儀

    ThermoFisher/4359659/ABI PCR基因擴增儀,個性化的 Applied Biosystems® 2720 PCR儀適用于基本的PCR和測序應用領域。它整合了 GeneAmp® PCR 系統9700的諸多特點,以確保其具有同樣的性能和可靠性,且設計更緊湊、價格更低。

  • SimpliAmp™ABI/SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler/A35422
    SimpliAmp™ABI/SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler/A35422

    ABI/SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler/A35422The SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler is a small, easy-to-use, and accurate thermal cycler that suits any lab's needs for everyday PCR.

  • SimpliAmp™ABI/SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler/A27930
    SimpliAmp™ABI/SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler/A27930

    ABI/SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler/A27930The SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler is a small, easy-to-use, and accurate thermal cycler that suits any lab's needs for everyday PCR.

  • SimpliAmp™ABI/SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler/現貨
    SimpliAmp™ABI/SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler/現貨

    ABI/SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler/現貨The SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler is a small, easy-to-use, and accurate thermal cycler that suits any lab's needs for everyday PCR.

  • Q3ABI/定量PCR儀/A28567/現貨

    ABI/定量PCR儀/A28567/現貨The Applied Biosystems® QuantStudio® 3 Real-Time PCR System is designed for users who need an affordable, easy-to-use real-time PCR system that doesn't compromise performance and q

  • StepOnePlusABI/實時熒光定量PCR儀/4376598/現貨

    ABI/實時熒光定量PCR儀/4376598/現貨The StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System is a 96-well Real-Time PCR instrument perfect for both first-time and experienced users.

  • 7500 Fast DxABI/7500Fast實時定量PCR儀/4406984/現貨
    7500 Fast DxABI/7500Fast實時定量PCR儀/4406984/現貨

    ABI/7500Fast實時定量PCR儀/4406984/現貨The Applied Biosystems® 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument with SDS Software is a real-time nucleic acid amplification and five-color fluorescence detection system av

    更新日期:2018-01-05型號:7500 Fast Dx
  • 7500 Fast DxABI/7500Fast實時定量PCR儀/4406985/現貨
    7500 Fast DxABI/7500Fast實時定量PCR儀/4406985/現貨

    ABI/7500Fast實時定量PCR儀/4406985/現貨The Applied Biosystems® 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument with SDS Software is a real-time nucleic acid amplification and five-color fluorescence detection system av

    更新日期:2018-01-05型號:7500 Fast Dx
  • 7500ABI/7500實時定量PCR儀/4351104/現貨

    ABI/7500實時定量PCR儀/4351104/現貨The 7500 Real-Time PCR System is a powerful platform for labs requiring superior performance and maximum dye versatility.

  • 7500ABI/7500實時定量PCR儀/4351105/現貨

    ABI/7500實時定量PCR儀/4351105/現貨The 7500 Real-Time PCR System is a powerful platform for labs requiring superior performance and maximum dye versatility.

  • ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 2 x 384-well PCR System
    ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 2 x 384-well PCR System

    ABI/ProFlex™ 2 x 384-well PCR SystemThe ProFlex™ 2 x 384-well PCR System is the latest in our line of Applied Biosystems® thermal cyclers,

  • ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 2 x flat PCR System/現貨
    ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 2 x flat PCR System/現貨

    ABI/ProFlex™ 2 x flat PCR System/現貨The ProFlex™ 2xFlat PCR System is the latest in our line of Applied Biosystems® thermal cyclers.

  • ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 2 x 96-well PCR System現貨
    ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 2 x 96-well PCR System現貨

    ABI/ProFlex™ 2 x 96-well PCR System現貨The ProFlex™ 2x96-Well PCR System is the latest in our line of Applied Biosystems® thermal cyclers

  • ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 3 x 32-well PCR System現貨
    ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 3 x 32-well PCR System現貨

    ABI/ProFlex™ 3 x 32-well PCR System現貨The ProFlex™ 3x32-Well PCR System is the latest in our line of Applied Biosystems® thermal cyclers.

  • ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 96-well PCR System/現貨
    ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 96-well PCR System/現貨

    ABI/ProFlex™ 96-well PCR System/現貨The ProFlex™ 96-Well PCR System is the latest in our line of Applied Biosystems® thermal cyclers.

  • VeritiABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal Cycler
    VeritiABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal Cycler

    ABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal CyclerThe Applied Biosystems® Veriti® 60-Well Thermal Cycler (for 0.5 mL tubes) delivers the proven reliability of Applied Biosystems® instruments with the 0.5 mL format yo

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