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  • 發布日期:2018-01-11      瀏覽次數:1393
    • 新年伊始,Thermo公司的Qubit3.0停產/下架/停售





      Qubit® 4熒光定量儀尤其適用于:

      • 您的樣品十分稀有且難以處理
      • 提取后的dsDNA,oligos,RNA(包括microRNA)或蛋白質量很少
      • 該樣品將被用于成本昂貴的下游實驗
      • 這些樣品將用于實時定量PCR(qPCR)或下一代測序法(NGS)等需要精密測定的實驗
      • 接下來要進行轉染或其他應用,需要幾天或幾周才能獲得結果的實驗
      • 您的樣品制備過程復雜,需要激光顯微切割(LCM)等特殊技術


      The Qubit 4 Flurometer is the latest version of the popular Qubit fluorometer designed to accuray measure DNA, RNA, and protein quantity, and now also RNA integrity and quality, using the highly sensitive Qubit assays. The Qubit 4 Fluorometer was re-engineered to run the Qubit RNA IQ (integrity & quality) assay. The Qubit 4 Fluorometer and RNA IQ Assay Kit work together to accuray distinguish intact from degraded RNA in just two easy steps.

      For all Qubit assays, the concentration or quality of the target molecule in the sample is reported by a fluorescent dye that emits a signal only when bound to the target, which minimizes the effects of contaminants on the result. The easy-to-use touch-screen menus make it easy to select and run the assays you need, with results displayed in just a few seconds.

      Key features of the Qubit 4 Fluorometer include:
      • Fast and highly accurate quantitation of DNA, RNA, and protein in less than three seconds per sample
      • Measures intact RNA in less than 5 seconds per sample
      • High levels of accuracy using only 1–20 μL of sample, even with very dilute samples
      • On-board Reagent Calculator quickly generates Qubit working solution preparation instructions
      • Stores results from up to 1000 samples
      • Large 5.7-inch, state-of-the-art color touch screen for easy workflow navigation
      • Graphical display indicates when samples are in the extended range or out of range
      • Small footprint saves space on your bench
      • Exports data to a USB drive or directly to your computer via a USB cable
      • Ability to personalize your Qubit fluorometer with the assays you run most, add new assays, or even create your own assays with the MyQubit software and web tool
      • Language of your choice including English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, simplified Chinese, and Japanese

      The Qubit 4 Flurometer can also be used to directly measure the fluorescence of samples using Fluorometer mode. Additionally, Ion Sphere Particle quality can be evaluated on the Qubit 4 Fluorometer using the Ion Sphere Quality Control Kit prior to performing a sequencing run on the Ion PGM sequencer.


    總訪問量:243942  管理登陸  技術支持:化工儀器網  sitemap.xml

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