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  • 發布日期:2018-01-23      瀏覽次數:1174
    • invitrogen品牌的Q32853現貨初到,迎春節*


      Qubit™ dsDNA BR Assay Kit



      Qubit的dsDNA BR檢測試劑盒是專為使用量子比特的熒光。該法是高度選擇性的雙鏈DNA(dsDNA)在RNA和設計是準確的初始樣品濃度從100微克/µL–1000毫微克/µL.試劑盒提供集中的檢測試劑,緩沖液,和預稀釋DNA標準。簡單的稀釋試劑使用緩沖區設置,添加你的樣品(1µL和20µL之間的量是可以接受的),并用量子比特讀取濃度計。常見的污染物,如鹽、游離核苷酸、溶劑、洗滌劑或蛋白質,在檢測中耐受性良好。

      The Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit is designed specifically for use with the Qubit Fluorometer. The assay is highly selective for double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) over RNA and is designed to be accurate for initial sample concentration from 100 pg/µl–1,000 ng/µl. The kit provides concentrated assay reagent, dilution buffer, and pre-diluted DNA standards. Simply dilute the reagent using the buffer provided, add your sample (any volume between 1 µl and 20 µl is acceptable), and read the concentration using the Qubit Fluorometer. Common contaminants, such as salts, free nucleotides, solvents, detergents, or protein are well tolerated in the assay.

      Which product to choose for dsDNA BR (Broad Range) quantitation?
      • For 1–20 samples: use this Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit with the Qubit Fluorometer
      • For 20–2000 samples: use the Quant-iT dsDNA BR Assay Kit with microplate reader

      1. All Qubit assay kits can be used with the Qubit 1.0, Qubit 2.0, Qubit 3, and Qubit 4 fluorometers.
      2. 500 µL thin-walle


      Sample Type (General):dsDNA
      For Use With (Equipment):Qubit® Fluorometer
      Quantitation Range:2-1000 ng
      Number of Reactions:500 reactions
      Product Line:Quant-iT™, Qubit™
      Product Size:500 assays
      Shipping Condition:Room Temperature


      Store in refrigerator (2–8°C) and protect from light.

      Note: 500 µL thin-walled PCR tubes are required but not included.

      d PCR tubes are required but not included.

      For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.




    總訪問量:243942  管理登陸  技術支持:化工儀器網  sitemap.xml

    版權所有 © 2024 蘇州螞蟻淘生物科技有限公司  ICP備案號:蘇ICP備17049038號-2
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